Friday, January 8, 2016

Lone Star Dispatch Issue 3#

Entertainment : Babies Model for Christmas Cheer,
This story was about the holiday photoshoot session that took place last semester by the advanced commercial photography class. The students were given full creative control of what the photoshoot was to consist of and how it was to play out.

Who was quoted in the story?
Chanel Henry, Brenda Saucedo and Aubrey Choate were quoted in the story.
What quote was the strongest?
"I think it's very important for students, not only in my advanced classes, for them to have a sense of responsibility for it because nobody is going to be there out in the real world to do all of that for them.
Did the lead sentence pull me in?
Not really, It felt a little bland but did tell you what the story was about from the start.
Was the conclusion a quote, or a statement?
The end of the story was a quote.

News: Absences get a makeover

AISD is changing the way they will handle absences at school. Meaning that the reasons you can be excused and unexecused are going to change and is expected the new set of rules will encourage students to not miss school.

Who was quoted in the story?
Kathy Ryan, Susan Leos, Lawrence Britton, Anita Yem and Danielle Bryant
What quote was the strongest?
"AISD at large is still working out the logistics and procedures. The main message in regard to attendance has not changed for any grade level. Students need to be at school in class every day unless they are ill. If students are ill, they need to bring parent notes or doctor notes within 48 hours. Once AISD has procedures outlined, the district will be sending out communication to all students and parents." assistant principle Susan Leos said.
Did the lead sentence pull me in?
No, the title is what pulled me in.
Was the conclusion a quote, or a statement?
The conclusion was a quote.

Athletics: Lacrosse sticks it to to the opponents

The Bowie Lacrosse team shares what it takes to play lacrosse, why they do, and what their goals are.
Focusing on how the reason their team is better than other lacrosse teams is because they are all friends and trust each-other.

Who was quoted in the story?
Patrick Moran, Sam Portillo, Kylie Parkins, Coach Doak, Lexi Curtis, Zach Manley and Emily Haine.
What quote was the strongest? 
"We are only as strong as our weakest link" said Coach Doak.
Did the lead sentence pull me in?
Yes the lead sentence was definitely more attractive than the other stories.
Was the conclusion a quote or a statement?
The conclusion was a quote.

Commentary: Science fair is getting to competitive for students

The commentary was about Gavin Farners thoughts on why science fair should be optional. As well as its consequences of it being forced and the way it is carried out today.

Who was quoted in the story?
Only Gavin Farner was speaking.
What quote was the strongest?
"Making the science fair competitive makes the whole ordeal very unappealing to many students."
Did the lead sentence pull me in?
Yes the lead sentence did pull me in to read the rest of the story.
Was the conclusion a quote or a statement?
The conclusion was a opinion stated by Gavin.

Student Life: Student fights a life-long disease with no sign of a cure

Katy Jacobs has a rare case of Type 1 Diabetes and the story shares her story of dealing with the disease. How her friends and family are there to support her and how strong she truly is.

Who was quoted in the story? 
Katy Jacobs, Bryn Williams, Summer Hawkins, Gary Jacobs.
What was the best quote in the story?
" Keep your head high, there might be some days where you feel like you can't handle it, but trust me, you can," Katy said.
Did the lead sentence pull me in?
Absolutely, the lead sentence was very well done, and the whole story in general.
Was the conclusion a quote or a statement?
The conclusion was a quote by Katy.

My favorite photo in the newspaper is on page 4, I enjoy black and white pictures most of the time, but especially when they do their homework. This picture contains true black areas, and true white areas, meaning they took the time to edit the photo.
My least favorite photo is on the bottom of page, and this is because you can't see the girls face, I get the whole prick in the finger thing but they should have also had her face be in the picture. I love the meaning behind the picture and the intention, but it could have been shot better.
I would have like to have done the zilker photo because personally I love night time/long exposure photography, and the picture that was used was a little sad in my opinion. There could have been some nice depth of field or simply more color.

Story Pitch:
I think a cool topic would be "What inspires students" and having students be interviews and asked what inspires them to achieve their goals and to push through the hard times of life.
Another story Idea would to be about the cities plans to build a "bike highway" from the wildflower center all the way to the capital, having it branch off through the whole city and to encourage the use of bicycles. 

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