1. Name of the publication
Captain America : Civil War EW Review
2. Name of the writer
The writer is Chirst Nashawaty
3. Grade or score the movie review on a 1-10 scale in your opinion
I thought the movie review was fantastic, since it didn't spoil anything that wasn't already known. Yet it also showed the writers opinion and thoughts on the upcoming movie. I would say a 7-10.
4. High Points of the movie (performances, cinematography, plot, etc.)
Chris spent a good amount of writing talking about the cast, and how many new faces are being added to add to the depth of the movie. As well as how the film messes with your opinion on whose side you would fight for, constantly switching your perspective to help make the movie very involved with the audience.
5. Low points of the movie (performances, cinematography, plot, etc.)
The main low point of the movie that the writer pointed out was the so-so side villain that could have been removed, but also is a great villain. Chris doesn't seem to have a solid opinion on whether the villain should be in the movie, but realizes that if it even has to be discussed there is a problem.
6. Quote a paragraph from the review that you think expresses the overall opinion of the reviewer about the movie.
Civil War generously gives everyone in the cast just the right amount to do, whether it’s showcasing their gee-whiz smashy-smashy gifts during one bravura battle royal set at the Leipzig airport, or allowing them to have a slower beat of character development that one assumes is the main reason for serious actors to sign on to these CGI behemoths (aside from the obscenely large paychecks, of course).
1. Name of the publication
The Jungle Book Review
2. Name of the writer
The review is by Matt Zoller Seitz
3. Grade or score the movie review on a 1-10 scale in your opinion
I would say the review is a 8.5-10 since it is very in depth and lengthy.
4. High Points of the movie (performances, cinematography, plot, etc.)
First off, the writer talks about how pretty much every scene is mainly animate, and that the characters are literally sitting in some green screen room in la, having to pretend they are there, total commitment really does pay off. The cinematography, which is mainly done in the computer is absolutely gorgeous, there is never a shot that seems to not look gorgeous and visually stunning according to the reviewer. And the plot and characters of the movie all together added to become a great rendition of the old tale.
5. Low points of the movie (performances, cinematography, plot, etc.)
The reviewer pointed out that he thought there was definitely a lack of music in the film, how there were conversations in the film that if they had a sweet melody behind them would have made it 10 times more powerful and inspiring.
6. Quote a paragraph from the review that you think expresses the overall opinion of the reviewer about the movie.
In every way, this quietly majestic film should be considered a triumph. The familiar, picaresque story of a young boy raised by forest creatures but fated to re-join Man has been re-imagined as a funny, scary, affecting family adventure with mythic heft but a refreshing lack of swagger. It was made with the latest in movie-making technology but has the ethical values and wide-net storytelling sensibility of an Old Hollywood classic. At its best it feels as though it always existed and we are only now discovering it.