Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Protective Parents Opinion Statement

            Some parents are just straight up to protective of their children. I really admire the fact that they care so much for them, but there is a line that shouldn't be crossed. This can cause many changes in the behavior of the kids, causing them to be rebellious or antisocial. Yet at the same time there are parents who don't care enough, and let their kids do literally anything, I personally don't consider those people parents or adults. There is a goldilock zone of protectiveness that can help kids grow up safe and with a good mindset.

            Over parenting is one of the hardest things not to do as a parent though. We grow up in a world today where everyone has instant access to the most recent information of tragedies that have occurred. Creating a world filled with paranoid parents worrying about whether or not that could happen to their child. But even with this amount of worrying and protectiveness it really just backfires on itself. By being a overprotective parent, kids learn how to be a very good liar. They learn that other peoples parents don't protect them as much and will start to question the authority of their parents and other adults in their life. Its pretty weird how that works out, trying to keep you kid safe, you just put them in more danger.

             Still there is such thing as under parenting, where the parental figure doesn't seem to care at all. This creates a individual who has to much freedom to know what to do with it. By letting them choose all of their own choices, half of the time they won't choose right. The parents that don't seem to care for their kids usually come from a background where there parents were way to overprotective, or didn't care at all. The cycle repeats itself until something fundamental in the relationship is fixed.
            There is an in-between zone, where the parent isn't to protective but makes sure that their kid is safe and making good choices. Their is a sense of trust between the adult and the kid, producing responsibility on both ends of the spectrum. By doing this the kids group up in a great environment and get to see the consequences ( good and bad ) of their choices. This shapes their life so they respect and care for their parents, and their parents care and respect them.

             My opinion is that the amount of protectiveness parents have in todays world is off and can be focused better. I find it sad some of the lives that kids I know are growing up due to the way their parents have raised them. I'm not saying parenting is easy, but its pretty hard to be that bad at it. Some people these days really need to get it together and start being the responsible parent they signed up to be when they chose to have a child.

             This isn't something that can be easily fixed, but it is fixable to a point where we would all live in a better world. My personal idea is that it should be required for both students and parents to attend a class of some sort where they talk about over and under parenting and have the kids and their parents work together to create a fair set of guidelines for each other. This would create a sense of fairness and equality, also showing that the parents care but they aren't going to fix all your mistakes.
              Their is a point where there need to be let to them up, kids don't stay kids forever. Parents who treat their adolescent children as kids, is what can turn the behavior of those adolescents into that of a child. There is also the situation when a parent chooses to give their kids certain items like a phone at too young of a age and this can affect their entire life. Giving them access to the information of the entire world basically means you trust them with the information of the entire world. I really despise parents who give their kids things like this at a young age. I got my first phone in 8th grade, and yet still at that age I wasn't as responsible as I should have been with it, I dropped it off a 3 story building and it shattered into a million pieces. I see this happen everyday, Little kids, who have their own personal devices and are playing with them at a restaurant and then drop it onto the floor and it cracks. Kids don't need this kind of technology, they shouldn't be doing anything to crazy to the point where you need to contact them constantly. Get them a pager, pagers are the thing.

              Overprotective parents can also make it hard for the child to make friends. Usually because the child is at home because they weren't allowed to do what their friends were going to go do and had the approval of their parents. I was recently hanging out with a friend and then his mom decided to track him on his phone, she didn't even call him first. She called him and he responded to her saying he was where he told her he was, she said she was just checking. I find this insane, parents tracking their kids 24/7, they have no trust there. This doesn't help the kid grow up and to actually like their parents. If my parents tracked me I think I would run away, thats just to far and such a lack of trust.
               Parents and their kids both need to start choosing better and thinking about the future. They need to be in a loving relationship where they trust and care for one another. So they both can life as a good hearted and happy people. Once family relationships trust each other, and love one another authentically and understand their own responsibilities as a member of the family, life will improve significantly.


  1. Joey, I thought it was really good, and liked how you addressed over and under parenting. Maybe provide more examples or famous examples to go with the article.

  2. Your story was very good, you had some great points. I would have liked to see more opinions/points from the other side.

  3. Nice job Joey!! I like how professional it sounded. You could've addressed more about the other side of the opinion more though.

  4. I completely understand and agree with this topic. I did understand what you thought on it, but not in the first paragraph where it is supposed to be shown, so maybe just switch around your opinion statement to the first paragraph to let people know how you feel right away.

  5. Good job jouster. Rich vocabulary and you provided many examples so we can understand your idea. Maybe you could've added in some facts or statistics?
