By Joseph Killeen
1.The proposed police budget for 2015 - 2016 is $394 million dollars
2.So it helps them when they get out of custody so they can start and feel fresh and it is easier for them to get a job and be social again.
3. The proposed price for parking next year they suggested in the article is $100.
4. AISD will save 2 million dollars because of the sharing requirements.
5. The Texas Longhorns will be going against Notre Dame this weekend.
Same Sex Marriage, Kentucky Clerk
This lady from what I could pickup from the article is very immature, especially with her what she believes. I personally am a christian and straight, and i'm totally fine with same sex marriage because in the end it comes down to the fact that God loves us all regardless, no matter our choices. People who use their faith as an excuse to oppose same sex marriage are wrong, and this is something that has been the constant talk on the internet for a while now. So this lady in Kentucky using her faith as an excuse to stop people from getting married is just plain stupid, she needs to stop what she is doing and do what the federal government has told her to do. Its not her life to decide what to do with, she needs to worry about her own. Also when she says she has "Gods authority" that just proves to me this lady needs to get her life together and really understand what it is she is saying and claims to believe. Because first of all God does not give authority, he is the only authority. So Kim claiming to have authority given to her by God is well... silly! Guess what happened to the kings, queens and tyrants who claimed to have authority given by god? They were overthrown! So she needs to stop acting as if she is God, admit her mistakes, and move on with life. Its that simple, and this doesn't only apply to her, anyone using faith as an excuse or as a barrier to stop same sex marriage are digging themselves deeper holes. For once the government is right on something.
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