1. Noah
2. Supporting interviews?
2. Mom and Dad
3. What is the topic?
3. Cinematography
4. Personality
20 Questions for your Main Subject:
1. Do you enjoy making a film?
1. "I enjoy making films mostly because its a faster way of telling a story rather than other forms of art, and I guess I am impatient in that way.
1. "I enjoy making films mostly because its a faster way of telling a story rather than other forms of art, and I guess I am impatient in that way.
2. What is it you think about when you are editing or filming?
2. "I find it funny because when I am filming all I think about is how I am going to edit it, but while I am editing I am thinking about how I should have filmed it.
2. "I find it funny because when I am filming all I think about is how I am going to edit it, but while I am editing I am thinking about how I should have filmed it.
3. Do you find cinematography enjoyable?
3."Cinematography is very enjoyable and quite inspiring at the least."
3."Cinematography is very enjoyable and quite inspiring at the least."
4. How many often are you editing/working on a film?
4."Whenever I am working on a film its pretty much non stop, I usually edit for a while and then look at my work and wont be able to realize whether its bad or not and take a break for a few days before I can come back."
4."Whenever I am working on a film its pretty much non stop, I usually edit for a while and then look at my work and wont be able to realize whether its bad or not and take a break for a few days before I can come back."
5. Why do you think some people doubt they can create a film?
5." I think they are intimidated by a couple of things, in the same way that someone who is asked to bake a cake for the first time and they don't understand the directions or what ingredients they are supposed to use."
5." I think they are intimidated by a couple of things, in the same way that someone who is asked to bake a cake for the first time and they don't understand the directions or what ingredients they are supposed to use."
6. Why did you choose UT as the film school you wanted to go to?
6." It came down to UT and Chapman University, and I ended up at UT because it was a heck of a lot cheaper, closer to home and is still today one of the best film schools in the nation."
6." It came down to UT and Chapman University, and I ended up at UT because it was a heck of a lot cheaper, closer to home and is still today one of the best film schools in the nation."
7. How far are you conformable to go, what if you become famous?
7. " If I had creative control over what I was working on along with being famous that would be awesome, but the reality is that film makers that get recognized by people who want to make films basically force them to tell the story the way they want to, not the way the cinematographer knows is best. Which really destroys the authentic quality of a film and makes it hard to tell the story, that would be very disappointing to me."
7. " If I had creative control over what I was working on along with being famous that would be awesome, but the reality is that film makers that get recognized by people who want to make films basically force them to tell the story the way they want to, not the way the cinematographer knows is best. Which really destroys the authentic quality of a film and makes it hard to tell the story, that would be very disappointing to me."
8. Do you find that film can sometimes be stressful?
8."Filming can be very stressful and in many aspects, especially when you don't have a team of people and are a film student in college.
8."Filming can be very stressful and in many aspects, especially when you don't have a team of people and are a film student in college.
9. Why do you create films?
9." I make films because I think that everyone appreciates film to a degree, I find it to be similar to making a painting, where once you are done you get to put it on display. And then the whole world can see what you have done. But in paintings in one piece of work, while rather in films its 60 paintings every second, for about however long the movie is, and they are forced to sit there and enjoy the art that you have made. I know that sounds like a selfish reason, but its the truth, the easiest way to paint a bigger picture is to paint more pictures in general."
9." I make films because I think that everyone appreciates film to a degree, I find it to be similar to making a painting, where once you are done you get to put it on display. And then the whole world can see what you have done. But in paintings in one piece of work, while rather in films its 60 paintings every second, for about however long the movie is, and they are forced to sit there and enjoy the art that you have made. I know that sounds like a selfish reason, but its the truth, the easiest way to paint a bigger picture is to paint more pictures in general."
10. What do you prefer to film with (equipment)?
10. " I own a dslr camera that I use most of the time and I use a zoom microphone which both of those things in general are fairly inexpensive compared to more professional stuff but they can do more than enough for what I need."
10. " I own a dslr camera that I use most of the time and I use a zoom microphone which both of those things in general are fairly inexpensive compared to more professional stuff but they can do more than enough for what I need."
11. How hard to you find it to make a film?
11. " I have had films that were stupidly easy, and some way harder than I thought, but both dependent on how motivated you are to tell the story."
11. " I have had films that were stupidly easy, and some way harder than I thought, but both dependent on how motivated you are to tell the story."
12. Would you say that filming is something everyone is capable of doing?
12." I think that everyone can make a movie, its all about simply telling a story well, and I know everyone can tell a story so therefore anyone and everyone has the potential to make a great film if they really want to."
12." I think that everyone can make a movie, its all about simply telling a story well, and I know everyone can tell a story so therefore anyone and everyone has the potential to make a great film if they really want to."
13. Do you believe that some people are born with a more creative mindset than others?
13. " I think it comes dow to the amount of pasion the filmer has for what they are doing and I think that creativity is in a way learned from trial and error.
13. " I think it comes dow to the amount of pasion the filmer has for what they are doing and I think that creativity is in a way learned from trial and error.
14. How hard was it to get into a film school?
14." Im actually not quite sure how hard it was to get into film school, because I only tried once and I got into all of the film schools I chose, but from what I can tell its very hard to get into either schools film programs.
14." Im actually not quite sure how hard it was to get into film school, because I only tried once and I got into all of the film schools I chose, but from what I can tell its very hard to get into either schools film programs.
15. Does equipment like camera or editing software effect the quality of a film?
15." Equipment can effect the quality of a film, but its more about knowing the limits of what you have and doing the most with it. We live in a world today where everyone has a better camera in their pocket than Spielperg and other acclaimed filmers didn't have access to when they made films that are still watched today.
15." Equipment can effect the quality of a film, but its more about knowing the limits of what you have and doing the most with it. We live in a world today where everyone has a better camera in their pocket than Spielperg and other acclaimed filmers didn't have access to when they made films that are still watched today.
16. What is you opinion on people like Christopher nolan?
16." They have all done amazing jobs at producing some really great stories and I hope one day to make films like theirs, at the same time because of all these rising up and increasing cinematographers, movies today are all good. I don't know if any one has noticed, but even most of the bad movies recently are still pretty good compared to movies in the past.
16." They have all done amazing jobs at producing some really great stories and I hope one day to make films like theirs, at the same time because of all these rising up and increasing cinematographers, movies today are all good. I don't know if any one has noticed, but even most of the bad movies recently are still pretty good compared to movies in the past.
17. Is it hard to imagine that people work on films for years on end only to get less than a 2 hour time frame to share the story they have built, What is your opinion on that?
17. "The journey of having someone put that much time and passion in one moment is part of the beauty and best part of making a film, and it really shows when you watch the movie."
17. "The journey of having someone put that much time and passion in one moment is part of the beauty and best part of making a film, and it really shows when you watch the movie."
18. Where the film classes in High School helpful or were they pointless to your career?
18." The classes involving film in High School that I did take were definently helpful and a lot of fun too, at the same time the classes developed my skills early so I would be better prepared for college.
18." The classes involving film in High School that I did take were definently helpful and a lot of fun too, at the same time the classes developed my skills early so I would be better prepared for college.
19. What about other classes in general, which ones are you using the information you were taught in your career today?
19. "Functionally the things I learned in high school did help me get to a great school, but at the same time a good amount of the knowledge I gained is completely irrelevant to my life now, I think of my high school career more as a test of whether I could put in the work even though the skills weren't directly related to what I wanted to learn."
19. "Functionally the things I learned in high school did help me get to a great school, but at the same time a good amount of the knowledge I gained is completely irrelevant to my life now, I think of my high school career more as a test of whether I could put in the work even though the skills weren't directly related to what I wanted to learn."
20. Do you find watching films to be entertaining and give you new ideas for your films?
20." Films to me are very inspiring and give me new ideas for my films and in generally I just simply love movies."
Supporting Questions:
1.What is your opinion Noahs Films?
D1." I think noahs films are great and they are a excellent start, but he still has a long way to go."
M1." I am a little biased because I am his mom, But I think he is awesome and I would agree he has a lot of things to learn."
2. Have you ever made a film, why, why not?
D2." I have made many films, all for different purposes and I understand how hard it really is to make a film."
M2." I have not made a film and don't know the first thing about movie editing, but I do know if I put my mind to it I could do it."
3. Do you think equipment effects the quality of his films?
D3." Equipment is just the tool that helps tell the story, it does help, but its always the story that matters."
M3."It can help to make things look nicer but without a good story that makes the viewers feel something, the equipment is pointless."
4. How hard do you think it was for him to get into a film school?
D4." I think its very hard to get into film school, and I was very surprised and proud when he got into UT austin. I know that it wasn't just his work that got him into the school though, it was the fact that he was very well rounded because he started at an early age and had strong passion to pursue his dream."
M4." I wasn't surprised at all because he was already making films that were great, but I think he also made it in because he really got involved and set himself apart by going above and beyond."
5. What do you believe makes someone a cinematographer?
D5." To be a film maker is to be a story teller, and applying it specifically to noah, he has been telling stories for as long as I can remember. "
M5." Being a filmmaker really is being a story teller, and we still have the stories noah wrote when he was two. Noah is great at finding a way to convey his story in a way that people find interesting."
6. Do you find his films to be exciting?
D6." A lot of the stuff he is making now in college isnt that exciting because they set limitations and rules on what he can do, but when he was in high school his work was very creative and more fun for him."
M6." I enjoy the talent he has but the work he is making right now isnt entirely his because the school is putting barriers on what he is allowed to due and its hard for him to be very passionate about it when its a strict assignment."
7. Which of his films is your favorite?
D7." The film that stuck out to me was his first big film he ever made where he spent several weeks making it, and its still a great funny film with some really awesome special effects and a fairly good story."
M7." I think my favorite film of his was his film submission to get into chapman because he had to create a film telling why he should get into chapman, but wasn't allowed to be in the film, and no dialogue was allowed either. He did it in a very creative way and it had a twist at the end."
8. How far do you think he is going to go with this?
D8." I hope he goes really far with this, but the truth is that the industry is very difficult unless you are incredibly driven to have success, so I think he is capable of going as far as he can commit to go."
M8." I would say it depends on how far he wants to go, and how badly he wants to succeed."
9. Would you say making a film is something everybody is capable of?
D9."I think everyone is capable of making a film, but I think the better question is, can everyone tell a story through film, and I would say that no not everyone can do that."
M9." I don't think that everyone is capable of making a film because not everyone is able to convey the meaning in a way that grabs the viewers attention."
10. How have films made a impact on the lives of your family, and on the world?
D10." Both of my boys now are cinematographers and I am very proud of both of them, but at the same time I know that everyone knows how to tell a story, but as brothers they are pushing each other forward to tell better ones.
M10." Film and photography has been going on in our whole family tree forever, and I think thats something that has helped them realize it is possible to achieve the dreams that they want to achieve."
20." Films to me are very inspiring and give me new ideas for my films and in generally I just simply love movies."
Supporting Questions:
1.What is your opinion Noahs Films?
D1." I think noahs films are great and they are a excellent start, but he still has a long way to go."
M1." I am a little biased because I am his mom, But I think he is awesome and I would agree he has a lot of things to learn."
2. Have you ever made a film, why, why not?
D2." I have made many films, all for different purposes and I understand how hard it really is to make a film."
M2." I have not made a film and don't know the first thing about movie editing, but I do know if I put my mind to it I could do it."
3. Do you think equipment effects the quality of his films?
D3." Equipment is just the tool that helps tell the story, it does help, but its always the story that matters."
M3."It can help to make things look nicer but without a good story that makes the viewers feel something, the equipment is pointless."
4. How hard do you think it was for him to get into a film school?
D4." I think its very hard to get into film school, and I was very surprised and proud when he got into UT austin. I know that it wasn't just his work that got him into the school though, it was the fact that he was very well rounded because he started at an early age and had strong passion to pursue his dream."
M4." I wasn't surprised at all because he was already making films that were great, but I think he also made it in because he really got involved and set himself apart by going above and beyond."
5. What do you believe makes someone a cinematographer?
D5." To be a film maker is to be a story teller, and applying it specifically to noah, he has been telling stories for as long as I can remember. "
M5." Being a filmmaker really is being a story teller, and we still have the stories noah wrote when he was two. Noah is great at finding a way to convey his story in a way that people find interesting."
6. Do you find his films to be exciting?
D6." A lot of the stuff he is making now in college isnt that exciting because they set limitations and rules on what he can do, but when he was in high school his work was very creative and more fun for him."
M6." I enjoy the talent he has but the work he is making right now isnt entirely his because the school is putting barriers on what he is allowed to due and its hard for him to be very passionate about it when its a strict assignment."
7. Which of his films is your favorite?
D7." The film that stuck out to me was his first big film he ever made where he spent several weeks making it, and its still a great funny film with some really awesome special effects and a fairly good story."
M7." I think my favorite film of his was his film submission to get into chapman because he had to create a film telling why he should get into chapman, but wasn't allowed to be in the film, and no dialogue was allowed either. He did it in a very creative way and it had a twist at the end."
8. How far do you think he is going to go with this?
D8." I hope he goes really far with this, but the truth is that the industry is very difficult unless you are incredibly driven to have success, so I think he is capable of going as far as he can commit to go."
M8." I would say it depends on how far he wants to go, and how badly he wants to succeed."
9. Would you say making a film is something everybody is capable of?
D9."I think everyone is capable of making a film, but I think the better question is, can everyone tell a story through film, and I would say that no not everyone can do that."
M9." I don't think that everyone is capable of making a film because not everyone is able to convey the meaning in a way that grabs the viewers attention."
10. How have films made a impact on the lives of your family, and on the world?
D10." Both of my boys now are cinematographers and I am very proud of both of them, but at the same time I know that everyone knows how to tell a story, but as brothers they are pushing each other forward to tell better ones.
M10." Film and photography has been going on in our whole family tree forever, and I think thats something that has helped them realize it is possible to achieve the dreams that they want to achieve."
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