Monday, November 2, 2015

Editorials and Personal Collumns

1. My first idea is to have a editorial would be about the way people respond to certain situations, like a fight or flight editorial.

2. The second idea I thought would be interesting is the fashion choice of people here at bowie. It seems as if no one here has the same style and everyone kinda has their own twist on everything. I think this is really cool, but at the same time, the style of some people is just plain disturbing.

3. The last idea I thought would be good to write about was the heavy rain on friday that created the early ending and pointless day of school.

A columinst that I read on a regular basis is my friends blog. She is currently embarked on the world race where she is completing a variety of missions and going on many adventures to change the lives of others and the world itself. Her blog is fantastic and really helps you understand the way she is feeling at the time due to the conditions she is in and the things she is having to deal with. Her style of writing is very casual but at the same time quite energetic and interesting.

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