Thursday, November 19, 2015

Current Events Quiz #3.2

1. What are the unusual requests made by the defense attorney?
1. The defense attorney has asked for them not to talk about the case publicly

2. Why are students at preston sitting in the presidents office?
2. There is a lot of racial inequality in their school and they want that to change because its completely unmoral and wrong.

3. What four teams are predicted to play in college football playoffs?
3. The 4 predicted teams to play in the playoffs are Clemson, Alabama, Ohio State and Notre Dame.

4. What are the cities that are considered platinum for biker friendly environments?
4. Madison,Wisconsin,  Fort Collins and Boulder, Colorado,  Portland,Oregon, Davis California have all earned biker friendly environments on the platinum scale.

5. What other films were used to compare against the new hunger games film?
5. They compared it to Star Wars Return of The Jedi, Lord of the Rings Return of the King, Twilight Breaking Dawn Part 2, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2.

Ed Board Rejects New Fact Checking
 I think its quite stupid how they care so much about the textbooks anyways, they are literally disappearing in front of their eyes. Digital textbooks are so much more convenient and better in way too many ways that it makes me sad to know that we still even have hard back textbooks. I do think that the textbook material does need to be looked over more thoroughly though, saying that they came over as "workers" is very messed up and makes me worried about the people who write these books. How do you accidentally call the people that were enslaved and forced to work and live in horrible conditions, and nevertheless treated like they were of no value, "workers", that is severely disappointing. So I would say that yes our textbooks definitely need to be rechecked and revised, but I also think that the textbook publishers should learn to revise and check it before they released it in the first place. Textbooks in general are not what students use to find out their information, they are fairly accurate, but they are only used when a teacher gives us an assignment that requires us to put together and copy sentences that are only in the textbook, which is pointless. 

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