Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Newspaper Bio

My name is Joseph Killeen and I am currently a sophomore in my first year of newspaper at Bowie High School. This year I plan on creating films for the online website that people find factual and inspirational. I also am planning on taking photos for the newspaper and most likely will be doing some writing as well. This year is going to be awesome with the newspaper staff and I am super excited to be able to produce content for the school in a way that hasn’t really been done before. When it comes to my interests outside of school I have quite a few. I enjoy running for miles and miles, and am very involved on the cross country team. I am part of a youth group known as “true” and lead a group of seventh grade dudes every wednesday. In between both of those hobbies you will find me doing flips and jumping off walls since I have a very strong passion for parkour and freerunning. At home I am either doing homework, eating, playing guitar, or sleeping. That's a pretty good insight into my life, but it isn't everything. Either way you will be finding out more about me through my works in the online website here at bowie.

News Values, Captions and Headlines


The crowd at the junior rouse scholars ceremony are attentively listening as the principle John Graham speaks to them. He has recently told them that he will no longer be the principle of rouse and is moving on to another school.


Dashing to the finish Senior Haley Timmons locks in third place in the 3200m run. Haley has had an excellent final season of her high school career and is hoping to continue running in the future, as you can tell from her dream socks.


Editor-in-Chief Jordan Buie smiles as she looks back on all of her accomplishments in newspaper the past few years. She took journalism as a freshman and has been doing newspaper since her sophomore year, winning her many awards and advancing to state twice.


Using her laptop in Professional Communications Freshman Erika Sandoval is satisfied as she came prepared to class with her laptop. This year at school students were allowed to pay a fee to be able to rent their laptops, which made life much easier for Sandoval to come to class ready.


The yearbook team analyzes the front cover design of this years school yearbook to decide on whether anything should be changed or not. They smiled in satisfaction of the final design and decided the cover was ready.


Austin has many inspirational quotes and images on every building, but one of the cutest is the "You're my butter half on East Mlk Blvd. The mural is a great place to take a picture with you and your special one.

ORIGINAL: Graham leaving for district job
MINE: One last speech before leaving

ORIGINAL: Pick your flick
MINE: Hyped films for this summer

ORIGINAL: Paper Pusher
MINE: A legacy of more than just paper

ORIGINAL: Right on track
MINE: Running for glory

ORIGINAL: Silver Spotlight
What I would title it: Royal Lights

ORIGINAL: Softball makes playoffs, falls in first round
MINE: A painful defeat, but reassuring end.

Story Titles:
Playing for keeps- Jordan blues story of keeping her school laptop to help per learn.
Senior reminders- A basic list of things needed for senior graduation.
Graham leaving- The principles story of leaving to another job.
Champion takes the top job- Bret Champion is leaving to another job as well.
Thinking it through- The newspaper team decides about their yearbook cover.
Fifteen students place at UIL- Exactly what the title says, fifteen students placed at UIL.
Around the Glenn- New high school features have been added to the glenn high school.
Building for the better- Volunteers build homes and host a shack-a-thon
Royals win national titles at dance contest- The dance team won national championships and are happy with their performances.
School losing 22 teachers to glenn opening- Because of the new high school opening, many teachers have left.
Things to do before you graduate- A basic list of things to do before graduating.
Traveling woman- Nalani Nuylan is traveling to japan this summer and this is her story about that.
Transgender teens need family support- Brandon Lemus feels kids should be totally honest with their families and tell them everything.
Paper Pusher- An editor looks back on everything she has learned by being in newspaper.
Buzz Off- Ilana Williams does not like bees, this story is quite pointless.
Softball makes playoffs- Their softball team this year did not win, but left the year totally satisfied.
Varsity wraps up tough season- The boys baseball finished a very hard year of softball
Right on Track- A lot of the athletes placed at district and bore man was able to advance to state.
Stately Finish- This is the story of madie bore mans finishing track season.

Sunday, May 22, 2016

Car Raid

Investigating the car of a college student isn't an easy job, nor is it a safe one. I chose to raid the car of Jonathan Hinds, who drives a 2003 Toyota Camry, which ended up to be quite an interesting decision. As I entered the car, the first thing I noticed was the music, 94.7 came on just as we turned on the car. Meaning it was playing during his previous ride in the vehicle. The fact that he chose the "Today's Best Music" Channel, leads me to believe he likes to listen to the music that everyone else is listening to as well, maybe he is somebody who wants to fit in. After collecting my thoughts about the music, I asked him a series of questions. The first of which was whether or not he was enjoyed and satisfied with his car. His response was

"I feel like I got a really good deal on my used car, and it has performed very well. There haven't been any problems so far, so yeah I would say I am definitely satisfied with my car, especially since I had to pay for half of it."

Then I asked Hinds what about his car he could relate to and that he felt applied to himself as an individual. With a quick response to the question Hinds said

"The steering wheel in my car is super squeaky and needs to be fixed. Every time I drive someone around, they yell at me to get it fixed, but personally I like it. I find the brokenness to be calming since its a representation to me how nothing is perfect, and that if its not truly broken, why would you fix it?"

His response was a bit inspiring to say the least, and it showed me that even though he hasn't had his car for very long, these thoughts had already been going through his mind. Hinds seems to be a philosophical person that tries to find inspirational themes in every part of his life. My third question for hinds was asking what his most prized possession in the car is. He then quietly opened up his glove box, pulled out his cds of the narrated version of J.K Rowling's Harry Potter. Hinds then inserted the deathly hollows into his cd player and sat back in confidence. His quiet response served to show how he is a man that prefers knowledge, and spending his time furthering his literary skills, and finding more philosophical questions to ask himself, even from listening to harry potter. I then asked him if I was allowed to search around his car for anything in particular that stood out to me. Reaching under my seat, I found a long crowbar like device, called "the club". Hinds explained to me that the device locks his steering wheel in place, so that if someone tries to break in and steal his car, they can't drive away.

"I have the club because I have to park my car in downtown Austin for weeks while I am in school. The reason I use it is not from a lack of trust in other people, but rather its from a confidence that I know there are people out there that will steal cars," Hinds lectured.

All in all, the interview with Jonathan in his car, ended up being quite interesting, and I learned some new things about him and his vehicle. I just wonder if everyone has this deep of a connection with their car, or if Jonathan is just a crazy college student.

Thursday, May 19, 2016

Car Raid Preview

1. Who will your do your car raid with (who is your subject)?
I think it would be funny to do a car raid in one of my brothers friends cars, because they all are college students and have really messy cars.
2. When will you do this car raid?
My plan is to complete the assignment this weekend, probably on saturday.
3. Write 4-5 questions you can use to start this interview?
Do you enjoy your car?
What are some of its qualities that you relate with?
Do you believe there are forgotten items in this car?
What does your cars cleanliness/lack of say about you?
4. What kind of details should your expect to write down to help advance the story line?
I am going to definitely try to pay explicit attention to what the person says personally, about how the characteristics of their car relate to them. I am also going to observe and analyze anything I can find in their car.

Friday, May 13, 2016


Merger photo

In a blog called Merger Photo, please answer the following questions.

1. Is there something you see in the photo above that you think could be a problem when you take your photos? Look carefully.
Well if there was wind then the tree in the background could be blurry and create weird shadows, or if clouds cover the sun for part of the photo then the exposure for the entire picture could be different.

2. Where do you think would be a great place to take this type of picture here on the Bowie campus?
I would like taking a picture on the track field or in that area, or somewhere with a nice background and no moving subjects besides the actual subject of the photo.
3. Can you think of something creative to actually DO in the photo when you take yours?
Im thinking along the lines of taking multiple pictures of me going from running to then jumping, doing a front flip, spinning in the air, and then landing, and running away, or a photo where I am. Possibly even a backflip, depending on how soar I feel. Im also thinking along the lines of making a interesting a dynamic self portrait using myself as the background, you will see what I mean.
4. Is there something you could wear that would help you when you do this photo?
I could maybe wear, clothing that won't change to much and that is easily seen depending on the background at which the photo is being taken